A Guide to Japan's Online Shopping and Worldwide Shipping Services: TENSO, ZenMarket, Rakuten Global Express, and More

Japan is known for its unique and high-quality products, from anime merchandise to beauty products and snacks. However, purchasing these items from overseas can be challenging, as many Japanese online shops don't offer international shipping. Thankfully, there are several online shopping and shipping services available in Japan, making it easier for people around the world to access these products. In this article, we will introduce you to some of the most popular online shopping and worldwide shipping services in Japan.



TENSO is a popular package forwarding service that allows you to buy products from Japanese online stores and have them shipped to your doorstep. To use TENSO, you need to register for an account on their website. Once your account is set up, you can start shopping from any Japanese online store that accepts domestic credit cards.

  • Offers consolidation service to save on shipping costs.
  • Provides personal shopping service.
  • Offers a wide range of shipping methods to choose from.
  • Charges handling fees.
  • Shipping costs can be expensive.



ZenMarket is a shopping proxy service that allows you to buy products from Japanese online stores that don't offer international shipping. With ZenMarket, you can purchase items from multiple stores, and they will consolidate them into one package and ship them to you.

  • Offers a low service fee of only 300 yen per item.
  • Provides a wide selection of Japanese online stores to shop from.
  • Offers multiple shipping options at affordable rates.
  • Has limited options for customization and personalization of packages.

Rakuten Global Express


Rakuten Global Express is a service that allows you to buy products from Rakuten Japan, a popular Japanese online marketplace. With Rakuten Global Express, you can shop for items from multiple stores on Rakuten Japan and also other shopping websites in Japan have them shipped to you.

  • Provides a user-friendly interface.
  • Offers competitive pricing for shipping.
  • Provides a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards and PayPal.
  • Shipping can take a long time.
  • Not all Rakuten Japan stores are eligible for international shipping.



Buyee is an online shopping and package forwarding service that allows you to buy products from Japanese online stores and have them shipped to your doorstep. Buyee also offers a personal shopping service where they will buy items on your behalf.

  • Offers a low service fee of only 300 yen per item.
  • Provides a wide selection of Japanese online stores to shop from.
  • Offers a variety of shipping options at affordable rates.
  • Has a complicated fee structure.
  • Shipping can be slow.

From Japan


From Japan is an online shopping service that allows you to purchase products from Japanese online stores and have them shipped to your doorstep. From Japan also offers a personal shopping service where they will buy items on your behalf.

  • Offers a user-friendly interface.
  • Provides a wide selection of Japanese online stores to shop from.
  • Offers a variety of shipping options at affordable rates.
  • Has a complicated fee structure.
  • Shipping can take a long time.


Shopping for Japanese products online has never been easier, thanks to the many online shopping and worldwide shipping services available in Japan. While each service has its pros and cons, they all provide a convenient way to access unique and high-quality Japanese products. So, whether you're looking for anime merchandise, beauty products, or snacks, these services are sure to provide you with a hassle-free shopping experience.

Note: This post was written by ChatGPT and edited by the A Bit of Nippon team in order to provide information about Japan in English.
